We are stacking blocks to form a pyramid. Each block has a color which is a one letter string, like `'Z'`.
For every block of color `C` we place not in the bottom row, we are placing it on top of a left block of color `A` and right block of color `B`. We are allowed to place the block there only if `(A, B, C)` is an allowed triple.
We start with a bottom row of bottom
, represented as a single string. We also start with a list of allowed triples allowed
. Each allowed triple is represented as a string of length 3.
Return true if we can build the pyramid all the way to the top, otherwise false.
Example 1:
Input: bottom = "XYZ", allowed = ["XYD", "YZE", "DEA", "FFF"]Output: trueExplanation:We can stack the pyramid like this: A / \ D E / \ / \X Y ZThis works because ('X', 'Y', 'D'), ('Y', 'Z', 'E'), and ('D', 'E', 'A') are allowed triples.
Example 2:
Input: bottom = "XXYX", allowed = ["XXX", "XXY", "XYX", "XYY", "YXZ"]Output: falseExplanation:We can't stack the pyramid to the top.Note that there could be allowed triples (A, B, C) and (A, B, D) with C != D.
will be a string with length in range[2, 8]
will have length in range[0, 200]
.- Letters in all strings will be chosen from the set
{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'}
D / \ / \A B C
class Solution {public: bool pyramidTransition(string bottom, vector& allowed) { unordered_map > m; for (string str : allowed) { m[str.substr(0, 2)].insert(str[2]); } return helper(bottom, "", m); } bool helper(string cur, string above, unordered_map >& m) { if (cur.size() == 2 && above.size() == 1) return true; if (above.size() == cur.size() - 1) return helper(above, "", m); int pos = above.size(); string base = cur.substr(pos, 2); if (m.count(base)) { for (char ch : m[base]) { if (helper(cur, above + string(1, ch), m)) { return true; } } } return false; }};
下面来看一种迭代的写法,这是一种DP的解法,建立一个三维的dp数组,其中dp[i][j][ch]表示在金字塔(i, j)位置上是否可以放字符ch,金字塔的宽和高已经确定了,都是n。每个位置对应着nxn的数组的左半边,如下所示:
F _ _
D E _A B C除了底层,每个位置可能可以放多个字符,所以这里dp数组是一个三维数组,第三维的长度为7,因为题目中限定了字母只有A到G共7个,如果dp值为true,表示该位置放该字母,我们根据bottom字符串来初始化dp数组的底层。这里还是需要一个HashMap,不过跟上面的解法略有不同的是,我们建立上方字母跟其能放的基座字符串集合的映射,因为一个字母可能可以放多个位置,所以用个集合来表示。然后我们就开始从倒数第二层开始往顶部更新啦,对于金字塔的每个位置,我们都遍历A到G中所有的字母,如果当前字母在HashMap中有映射,则我们遍历对应的基座字符串集合中的所有字符串,基座字符串共有两个字母,左边的字母对应的金字塔中的位置是(i + 1, j),右边的字母对应的位置是(i + 1, j + 1),我们只要在这两个位置上分别查询对应的字母的dp值是否为true,是的话,说明当前位置有字母可以放,我们将当前位置的字母对应的dp值赋值为true。这样,当我们整个更新完成了之后,我们只要看金字塔顶端位置(0, 0)是否有字母可以放,有的话,说明可以搭出金字塔,返回true,否则返回false,参见代码如下:
class Solution {public: bool pyramidTransition(string bottom, vector& allowed) { int n = bottom.size(); vector >> dp(n, vector >(n, vector (7, false))); unordered_map > m; for (string str : allowed) { m[str[2]].insert(str.substr(0, 2)); } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { dp[n - 1][i][bottom[i] - 'A'] = true; } for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i) { for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) { for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'G'; ++ch) { if (!m.count(ch)) continue; for (string str : m[ch]) { if (dp[i + 1][j][str[0] - 'A'] && dp[i + 1][j + 1][str[1] - 'A']) { dp[i][j][ch - 'A'] = true; } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (dp[0][0][i]) return true; } return false; }};